
  • EduSports: EduSports program blends in age appropriate sports and fitness exercises into our curriculum. EduSports ensures that all our students participate in the different sports activities, enhancing the their schooling experience.
  • Music and Dance: Children inevitably love music and dance. We introduce our students to the therapy of music as it relaxes our mind and soothes are senses. On special days and celebrations, we teach our students to sing songs relevant to the festivals or occasion. Through our dance classes, children develop a skill which will last them forever. During the dance classes, the tiny tots learn to follow instruction, improve their gross motor skills and enjoy socializing with their peers.
  • Art & Craft: Our Art & craft classes foster our students’ creativity.The various art and craft activities introduced in school help in their cognitive development and also refine their fine motor skills.
  •  Field Trips: We arrange for field trips for our students at regular intervals. These trips offer an enriching experience , facilitating first hand learning experience. All our field trips are thoughtfully planned for the interest and benefit of our young learners.